These are all major subjects in themselves and are consequently only touched upon only in passing. Risk management is an integral part of our insurance approach in the same way that insurance should only be a part of your risk management programme. We will be pleased to give on site advice If required.
Fire: A whole range of factors need to be assessed, depending on the type of business you run. Certainly electrical wiring and fire control (from the correct type and quantity of fire extinguishers through to sprinklers) will be universal. Fire safety is also included in our Health & Safety assessment section and will address areas particular to your own risk profile, whether separation of processes, safe storage of flammables or fork lift charging.
Theft: Whilst the threat of theft is a constant factor, there are a number of areas of change that can affect your risk profile. So in addition to undertaking a good prevention assessment, normally utilising a combination of good physical deterrents and alarm protection, there are other areas that you need to monitor. These include Police response, target property, target areas and of course the constant improvements that are being made available at the top end of physical and electronic security and surveillance.
Water: This is often overlooked, but can be a major cause not only of loss but business interruption and should be included in every Disaster Recovery programme. Areas range from the changing external threats, including river and rainfall to internal factors such as frost stats and lagging, through to more basic measures such as the maintenance of valley gutters.
Motor Fleet: As staff and moving vehicles are combined, there can be few areas more vital in the field of risk management. This can affect the lives of your staff as well as the premium outlay of your motor fleet insurance. There are a whole range of areas from vehicle selection and maintenance to driver competence and instruction. Claims analysis can also be a highly effective method of analysing problem areas, but there is no substitute for proactive assessment and planning. Driver training is an increasingly proactive area in obtaining maximum performance in safety and risk management.
Disaster Recovery: is now a major field in its own right although many companies have given little more than passing thought to the discipline, whereas in most cases a full consultation would be a major asset. It is not just a case of looking at what you would need to implement after a significant fire. Rather, you need to identify every significant threat to the lifeblood of your business. This could range from a computer virus to a fire at a major customer of supplier. We offer a basic template either to start a plan, or to include add on consultation, right through to the recommendation of Disaster Recovery specialists.